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Community makerspace in New Haven, CT with volunteers who help you build, reuse and repair.


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Mission: Equip people with tools to design, invent, and create.

Vision: The New Haven area is enriched by creativity and entrepreneurship.

MakeHaven, Inc. is a not-for-profit, membership-driven organization, gathering place workshop for makers, creators, tinkerers and dreamers. The environment supports the development of and collaboration on a wide variety of projects, including: prototyping, fabrication, mechanics, electronics, crafts, art, and woodworking. Through free public events, skill building workshops an the indpendent projects of our membership, MakeHaven enables people to make things.

Activities Include:

Free public events and meetups which expose people to new and emerging technologies.

Classes and workshops where people build skills in art and technology.

Membership which grants 24/7 access to a woodshop, laser cutters, sewing machines, electronics workbenches, CNC mill and 3d printers.

Scholarships for reduced or free membership to those with limited incomes.

Training and project mentorship for members through a volunteer coaching program.

Advice, events and capabilities to assist aspiring entrepreneurs in fabricating and marketing prototypes.

Partnership with the VA hospital so veterans can include cooperative woodworking projects as a therapeutic activity.