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GPS issues with iPhone 6

cbird2 -

iPhone 6

iPhone 6 Logic Board Replacement

iPhone 6 Logic Board Replacement

30 minutes - 2 hours


My Problem

Had issues with my GPS no longer working. Apple community was fairly censored but I can see in there that users were recommending getting a new flex cable. After exhausting all software options I decided to replace the cable and, while I was at it, the battery too.

My Fix

I purchased the iFixit battery kit and the flex cable. All the tools ifixit recommended came in handy, the how-to guide was straight forward. Ifixit recommended the logic board replacement how-two because the flex cable requires access to the back end of the logic board. I did somehow have a few screws leftover...but the phone works fine and now I have GPS!

My Advice

Really keep track of those screws and where they go. While they look the same there are tiny variance in length and width (say for the metal plates), so mark the plastic trays with the specific size of the screws, maybe color code by marking the metal brackets and chassis so you put the screws in the right place.

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