Bosch Dishwasher Not Cleaning Utensils

Bosch Dishwasher Not Cleaning Utensils

Matt Zieminski
Last updated on

Safety First! Before you begin, remember that safety is paramount. Always disconnect your dishwasher from the power source before attempting any repairs or diagnostics. This precaution is crucial to prevent electric shock or damage to your appliance.

Understanding Your Dishwasher This guide covers various problems, from water not entering the dishwasher to issues with drying or leaks. We’ve broken down each problem into three key sections:

  1. Problem: Identifies the specific issue you're experiencing.
  2. Why It Happens: Provides a brief explanation of potential causes.
  3. How to Fix: Offers step-by-step solutions to resolve the issue.

Ready to Tackle the Problem? Let’s dive in and get your dishwasher running smoothly again!



Why It Happens?

Overfilling and inadequate cleaning in dishwashers often result from utensils being placed too close together. This misarrangement restricts water and detergent flow, leading to poorly cleaned dishes.

How to Fix

  1. Rearrange Sharp Utensils: Position knives and sharp-edged cutlery with blades down to avoid injury and ensure a thorough wash.
  2. Separate Cutlery: Avoid stacking or overlapping cutlery. A spaced-out arrangement allows for better water and detergent circulation, resulting in cleaner dishes.
  3. Incline Spoons and Ladles: Tilt these items to prevent nesting and water pooling, which can cause stains.
  4. Avoid Utensil Overloading: Keep the cutlery basket organized and not overcrowded. This promotes better water flow and cleaning.
  5. Position Hollow Items Correctly: Bowls, cups, and similar items should be angled to drain properly. Ensure they're not too tilted or placed in corners where cleaning might be compromised.
  6. Ensure Spray Arm Clearance: Nothing should obstruct the dishwasher's spray arms. Items sticking out can block the arms, affecting the cleaning process.
  7. Keep Tablet Collecting Tray Clear: If your dishwasher has a specific tray for detergent tablets, don't obstruct it with utensils. This ensures the detergent is released effectively.

Why It Happens?

A blocked spray arm in your dishwasher can significantly affect its cleaning performance. This issue typically arises when food particles, mineral buildup from hard water, or small utensils obstruct the spray arm's holes. Such blockages prevent water from spraying out effectively, leading to dishes that come out dirty or not fully rinsed.

How to Fix

  1. Inspect and Clean the Spray Arm: Begin by removing the spray arm according to your dishwasher's instructions. Look for any debris or obstructions in the holes. Use a toothpick or a small brush to carefully remove any particles. Rinse the spray arm under running water to ensure all holes are clear.
  2. Check for Utensil Interference: Make sure that no utensils or dishes are sticking out and blocking the spray arm's path. Rearrange the dishwasher's contents if necessary to ensure free movement.
  3. Descale to Remove Mineral Buildup: If hard water is a problem in your area, mineral buildup might be clogging the spray arm. Soak the spray arm in white vinegar for a few hours to dissolve the buildup, then rinse thoroughly with water.
  4. Ensure Proper Installation: After cleaning, make sure to properly reattach the spray arm. Confirm that it's securely in place and spins freely, which is crucial for optimal operation.
  5. Regular Maintenance: To prevent future blockages, regularly inspect and clean the spray arm. Consider using a dishwasher cleaner or running a vinegar cycle monthly to minimize the risk of mineral buildup.

Why It Happens?

Pre-cleaning dishes too intensely before loading them into the dishwasher might seem beneficial, but it can actually lead to less effective cleaning. Many modern dishwashers are designed to detect the level of dirtiness on dishes and adjust the cleaning cycle accordingly. Overly clean dishes may cause the dishwasher to run a lighter cycle, leaving detergent residue and not thoroughly cleaning items that might have needed more attention.

How to Fix

  1. Reduce Pre-Cleaning: Instead of washing dishes thoroughly by hand, simply scrape off large food particles and solid waste before loading. This ensures the dishwasher's sensors accurately assess the level of cleaning required.
  2. Use Appropriate Detergent Amounts: Adjust the amount of detergent based on the dishwasher's load and the dirtiness of the dishes. Less detergent may be needed if you're not pre-cleaning dishes as intensely.
  3. Select the Right Cycle: Choose the appropriate washing cycle for the current load if your dishwasher allows manual selection. Use a heavier cycle for dirtier dishes, even if they've been pre-rinsed.
  4. Rinse Aid: Use a rinse aid to help with water flow over dishes, improving drying and minimizing spots, especially if you're reducing pre-cleaning.
  5. Load Dishes Correctly: Ensure dishes are loaded correctly for optimal water and detergent reach. Incorrect loading can exacerbate problems with dishes not being cleaned properly, regardless of pre-cleaning habits.
  6. Dishwasher Maintenance: Regularly clean the dishwasher filter and inspect for any issues that might impair its performance. A well-maintained dishwasher is more effective at dealing with less pre-cleaned dishes.

Why It Happens?

A filter that is not locked in the pump sump or is incorrectly inserted can cause a dishwasher to perform poorly. This issue usually stems from improper reassembly after cleaning the filter or a misalignment during installation. The filter is crucial for trapping food particles and preventing them from re-entering the washing cycle, which could lead to dishes not being cleaned properly and potentially causing damage to the pump.

How to Fix

  1. Check Filter Alignment: First, ensure the dishwasher is off and empty. Remove the bottom rack for easier access to the filter. Check the alignment of the filter; it should fit snugly and correctly in its housing. Misalignment can block water flow or allow debris to bypass the filter, compromising cleaning effectiveness.
  2. Securely Lock the Filter: Once aligned properly, make sure the filter is locked in place according to the manufacturer's instructions. This often involves a twisting motion until you hear a click or feel the filter securely seated. An unlocked filter can move during the washing cycle, leading to poor cleaning results and possible damage.
  3. Inspect for Damage: While you have the filter out, inspect it for any damage or excessive wear. A damaged filter may not seat properly and should be replaced to ensure optimal performance.
  4. Clean Regularly: Regular cleaning of the filter is essential to maintain your dishwasher's performance. Rinse it under running water and gently scrub off any stuck-on food particles or debris. A clean filter can be correctly inserted and locked in place more easily.
  5. Refer to the Manual: If you're unsure about how to remove, clean, or reinsert the filter, consult the dishwasher's manual. It will provide specific instructions for your model, ensuring you're handling the filter correctly.

Why It Happens?

How to Fix



Coarse, micro and fine filter dirty. ==

Why It Happens?

How to Fix



Spray arm bearings do not move smoothly (dirt around the bearings). ==

Why It Happens?

How to Fix



Spray arm or supply pipe deformed ==

Why It Happens?

How to Fix



Waste-water pump blocked. ==

Why It Happens?

How to Fix



Dirty water runs back into the appliance ==

Why It Happens?

How to Fix



Top basket on right and left not set to same height. ==

Why It Happens?

How to Fix



Utensils unfavourably arranged (very large utensils e.g. pans in the bottom basket), avoid contact points, prong rows bent. ==

Why It Happens?

How to Fix



Tall narrow receptacles are not rinsed adequately in the corner area. ==

Why It Happens?

How to Fix


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