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Can't install Windows (0x0000001E KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED)

I'm trying to install Windows on my netbook. Machine currently has no OS installed on it.

As soon as I'm getting to the "Copying files" stage (right after choosing the drives) I get blue screened with 0x0000001E aka KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED error.

I have a hint that it has something to do with my hard drive as I'm letting the installer to do the formatting (meaning installing it to an Unallocated space) and after it formats it and blue screens, I cannot install it on this partition that it made (it says something about unsupported NTFS type). So I format it manually, but the blue screen happens again.

I tried both Windows 8.1 and 7 (64 and 32 bits) and result is the same.

I was able to install Ubuntu on it, so I guess hardware is okay, but I still would like to have Windows.

Getting a bit desperate here.

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This is taken from the User Guide (Section 4-5) and I'm not sure if you have the relevant model but it may be of interest to you.

"Boot Booster (On Selected Model)

The Boot Booster item in BIOS setup helps shorten your Eee PC bootup time. However, you MUST disable this BIOS item before you change any Eee PC components or perform system recovery (from USB flash disk, external optical drive or hidden partition). "

Here is a link to the Asus support page for your netbook.

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